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Death & DandelionS

At Death & Dandelion people, often strangers, gather to eat a treat, drink tea and discuss death.



Our objective is the same as a Death Cafe:

'to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives'

Death & Dandelions

 is a group directed discussion of death.

It is a discussion group rather than a

grief support or counseling session.

 Death & Dandelions events are offered:

- On a not for profit basis

- In an accessible, respectful and confidential space

- With an intention to offer people information on Green options in regard to burials and such.

- Alongside refreshing drinks and a treat

We are meeting the second Wednesday of the month
at the Yellow Room in Sandpoint. 
Please go to their website to look at the scedule and sign up.
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